Here are some simple program examples with sources that show how to use the AntTweakBar library.
TwSimpleGLFWSource fileScreenshotTwSimpleGLUTA simple example using AntTweakBar with OpenGL and GLUT . This example also demonstrates the use of quaternion and direction types. Quaternions are used to represent rotation, see the following link for a detailed description: Source fileScreenshotTwSimpleSDLSource fileScreenshotTwSimpleSFMLSource fileScreenshotTwGLCoreSDLSource fileScreenshotTwSimpleDX9A simple example using AntTweakBar with DirectX9 . Source fileScreenshotTwSimpleDX10A simple example using AntTweakBar with DirectX10. It requires a Windows version that supports at least DirectX10 (Vista, 7,...). Source fileScreenshotTwSimpleDX11A simple example using AntTweakBar with DirectX11. It requires a Windows version that supports at least DirectX11 (Vista, 7,...). Source filesScreenshotTwAdvanced1An example showing many features of AntTweakBar (including definition of custom structure type and variable accessed via callbacks). It also uses OpenGL and GLFW but could be easily adapted to other frameworks. Source fileScreenshotTwStringThis example illustrates the different ways to handle String variables. It also uses OpenGL and GLUT but could be easily adapted to other frameworks. Source fileScreenshotTwDualGLUTThis example illustrates multi-window support. The function TwSetCurrentWindow is used to switch between window contexts. Source fileScreenshot |